When I was asked to throw in my $.02 on the PureLife blog, and found that one ot the topics is Live Your Dreams, I knew it was a no-brainer to introduce Eleatta Diver to the reading audience. Eleatta personifies the topic. So in order to give myself a creative challenge I have imposed a restriction upon myself. I will attempt to refrain from using any form of the word
i-n-s-p-i-r-e in this post. This will be a feat something akin to playing the baby shower game in which you cannot utter the word
c-u-t-e or you will have your tiny plastic clothespin mercilessly stripped from your lapel. The person with the most clothespins at the end is, of course, the winner. I actually fared pretty well the last time I played, but if you know Eleatta, you will know that this is the more daunting exploit. If I succeed you owe me a door prize of 6 ounces of dark chocolate - Valrhona 72% will be fine.
Eleatta had been a pastor's wife and home schooling mother of 5 for many years before she went back to teaching art in a private Christian school in Durham, NC. Her life was already plenty full and busy when she attended a meeting in which she was challenged by Lynette Lewis to put her talents to use and pursue the dreams God had placed in her. She began producing her own fresh, unique artwork, including two series which revolve around dreams.
The Dream Series is an ongoing series of paintings that are "parables in paint." They explore the stages of human hopes, dreams, aspirations and desires.
Durham Dreams is a body of work that consists of what Eleatta calls "Dream Portraits". Twelve individuals who have played a role in the rebuilding of the city of Durham over the last 15-20 years are being interviewed and asked their dream for Durham. Their dreams are being painted onto canvas, exhibited and sold with proceeds going to help fund economic relief to a needy area in Durham.

From Eleatta's mind:
Favorite quote -
Well, I'd have to say, "Better late than never!"
Favorite artist -
John Singer Sargent, Gustav Klimt
Best book you've read lately -
The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp
Blogs you follow -
What is your dream?
My dream is to use my art to inspire (ha! - thought you had me there didn't you, but I'm merely quoting) people to puruse their dreams.

How was that dream stirred up in you?
Lynette Lewis' powerful message.
How does the creative process work for you?
For me, a creative thought is like a living, moving thing. It has a life of its wn and as I allow it to move around from sketchbook to canvas, I always keep in mind that it is alive. I let it move and wiggle; I take care to watch it and care for it and let it have the air it needs to breathe. I allow it to morph and grow as it pleases.
One piece of advice or insight that changed your life-
Never stop learning, growing, and expanding yourself.
I recently saw this quote on Eleatta's facebook wall and thought it summed up her passion pretty well: "When I stand before God at the end of my life. I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything You gave me'." ~Erma Bombeck
Look for Eleatta's inspiring (oh, drat) work when you join us at
PureLife 2010, and to see more, go to
http://www.eleatta.com/ and
Karen Lane is a wife, mother, and lifestyle photographer in the Raleigh area and beyond. You can visit her on the web at
Karen Lane Photography.