PureLife Is For YOU If...
As Executive Director of this year's PureLife conference, I hear a myriad of questions about who should attend.
Is it a place for a single woman, a stay-at-home-mom, an executive, an entrepreneur, someone who isn't a Christian? Can I benefit if I'm not a business woman, if I'm not in my thirties or if I'm unemployed?My answer is always a resounding YES! PureLife is for you if you are a working, non-working, at-home-working, saved or unsaved, twenty-something, thirty-something, forty-something, fifty-something woman with a dream. It's for you if you long to be empowered, long to hear from Heaven, long to be better, long to grow, long to change, long to do more. It IS for you.
But, don't just take my word for it. Check out the links below with the reasons why friends of PureLife think PureLife is for you. If you've attended PureLife in the past and want to be an encouragement, go ahead and add your reason to the list!
I can't wait to meet you and to hear how attending this year's conference will change your life. I'm confident you'll be empowered to live your dreams. Until then...

Here's how this works:
- Click on "Click here to enter"
- Finish this sentence "PureLife is for you if ______ ~YOUR NAME" (look at #1 for an example)
- If you have a blog or website, enter it on the form, if not skip it
- Enter your email address (it will not be published)
- Click on "Enter your link" and encourage our readers!!
Anitra is wife to Darold and mom to Annah and Donovan. She's a former teacher and proud mom blogger who can be found at If Mama Ain't... and The MamaZone. Anitra is also serving as this year's Executive Director of PureLife.