Wednesday is FriendsDay

Every WednesDay is FriendsDay on the PureLife blog. You talk to us about friendship and we give you the chance to win great prizes! This week, we want to hear about some special moments you've shared with great friends! The Prize This Week: Your choice of Daily Steps for God Chicks: The 90-Day Devotional for Real Women
by our keynote speaker, Holly Wagner or GodChicks and the Men They Love
by Holly and Philip Wagner. Here's how to enter:
On TwitterFollow @PureLife2010 and do any of the following:
- Tweet about a special moment with a friend using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet out an inspirational friendship quote using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool tagline and the hashtag #PL2010
Become a fan of PureLife2010 and do any of the following:
- Post about a special moment with a friend on our wall.
- Post an inspirational friendship quote on our wall.
- Add a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool caption describing the photo.
Become a follower or subscriber and do any of the following:
- Leave a comment about a special moment with a friend
- Leave a comment with an inspirational friendship quote
- Email a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool caption