Do You Believe in the Burger King God?

When Life Shakes Things Up, Do You Believe in the Burger King God?
I’ve begun to notice a little pattern lately. And I’m aware that sometimes things we call “patterns” or “issues” are just plain old sin. But let’s speak kindly and just say pattern.
It seems that when life throws me a lemon, a curve ball, or some other metaphor for something other than what I wanted or expected, I begin to get shaken. When things get tough, I struggle. I lose my confidence, find my fear, and become afraid of what’s ahead. And more than anything I’ve realized I begin to lose confidence in the goodness of God.
What I realize when I finally wake up from sleepwalking into this pattern is that part of the reason my confidence gets shaken is because my confidence is in the wrong God. Or, it’s in the right God, but it’s in the right God that I believe the wrong things about. Take your pick.
You see, sometimes my confidence is in the Burger King God. Do you know Him? He says You can have it your way. My confidence is in the Nice ‘n Easy God. The one who fits in a simple little box and in just minutes will not only make my hair beautiful, in a nice and easy manner, but will magically make my whole life Nice. And Easy. But that’s not what the God the Bible talks about promises. He actually promises the opposite:
In this world, you will have tribulation. BUT, be of good cheer, I’ve overcome the world. (John 16:33)
The Bible also speaks of this God in this way: Please, please get in line with this people: taking into consideration the amazing mercies of God, let your whole self be a living sacrifice, set apart, and acceptable to God. With God’s sacrifice in mind, this is a totally reasonable act of service. (Romans 12:1, my paraphrase)
Carrying the cross isn’t as easy as coloring our hair or ordering a Whopper with fries. But in light of what Jesus has done for us (take some time to think about that), the crosses we carry are easy. The burdens are light. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, if we walk with God, the yoke is easy. The burden is light.
The next time life shakes you up, make sure you’re putting confidence in the God who works all things together for good -- not the (non-existent) God who makes everything easy and good all the time.
Let the shaking build your confidence, since it’s what was promised all along. And let the God who walks through the valley with you show you His goodness, right there in the valley, and lead you out to victory on the other side.
Caroline Collie is a thinker and a dreamer, a Missionary Mom, and a lover of bacon and avocado. She and her husband, and their Scottish-African-American son, live just outside Cape Town, SA and are the Directors of a Charity called Samaritan’s Feet South Africa. You can read more from Caroline at her blog, From Africa, With Love.