Delight yourself in the Lord...

- To delight oneself means to take or seek pleasure in; to enjoy (
- "Lord" is more than just another name for God. The title Lord means that person has lordship over your life and over what you do. They reign in supremacy in your decisions, actions, and emotions.
- “He will give you…” If God says He will do something, He will do it. There is no hesitation or doubt.
- “The desires of your heart.” This is what is the most important. Notice our desires come last in this sequence. Our desires cannot come into fruition until we have first made the vertical connection with God. There are many other examples of this in the Bible. Judges 20:18 shows how the Israelites were about to fight the Benjamites and they asked God before doing anything who should they send first. God says “Judah shall go first.” Not only is it significant that the Israelites asked God before moving, but God said Judah was to go first. Judah means praise. Look what happens when you establish a relationship with God first. Verse 35 of that same chapter in Judges says, “the LORD defeated Benjamin before Israel…”
When you delight yourself in the Lord, you become closer to Him. You begin to understand His personality, see His Characteristics, and know His heart. When you are close to God, you become more and more like Him. He is light and there is no darkness in the light (John 1:5-7). As you become more and more like Him, His desires become your desires. Therefore, God will not have any problem giving you the desires of your heart because they are what He desires you to have.
It is one thing to read and study this scripture and another to live it. My challenge to you is to discover the joy of being in the presence of the Lord. Become captivated by His presence. Be satisfied in Him first. Then you will see your life and heart change. Then you will see your Benjamin defeated. Then you will see your desires being met. Then you will see His heart to love you.
Sarah Gerald is a recent graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a future graduate of the Campus Harvest Academy for Student Evangelism. Her goal is to teach others about who God is even as she learns more and more about Him. She blogs at A Worshipful Heart in a Warring World.