As I read my Bible the other day, I finished Psalm 119, reminded how powerful and amazing the Word of God is. I was convicted as I thought, "What a privilege I take for granted it is to own a copy of the very Word of God, what a blessing to have Truth that I can hold in my hands and use to light my path." As I thought about the privilege of this Word, I wrote down a simple prayer:
I want Your Word to be more to me than what I have made it in my life.
Just a few moments later, the Scripture printed at the top of that page of my journal leapt off the page at me:
Two blind men...went right into the house where He was staying, and Jesus asked them, “Do you believe I can make you see?” “Yes, Lord,” they told Him, “we do.” Then He touched their eyes and said, “Because of your faith, it will happen.” (Matthew 9:27b-29, NLT)
And in those last seven words, Jesus was leaping off the page to speak to me, to tell me something about myself and my life right now. And since you may at some stage find yourself in this boat, I thought I’d share the lesson with you.
The epiphany was the simple realisation -- perhaps a reminder in your case, a correction of wrong-thinking in mine -- that God chooses to move according to our faith. Better put, there is a real, tangible relationship between our faith, what we believe and what will happen as a result of those beliefs.
I have recently fallen into the trap of feeling like this: “Well, I’ll pray about X or Y, but I know the Lord’s gonna do what the Lord’s gonna do.” I am going through the motions of prayer, but I don't believe my prayers will change anything.
How this lie creeps in is a million dollar question I am not sure I know the answer to, but at some stage I’d hazard a guess we all feel like we’re talking to the ceiling and have trouble believing the bumper sticker catch phrase: Prayer Changes Things.
But the real, amazing, demonstrated Truth, is that there is power in asking, seeking, knocking and believing.
And Jesus spoke to you and me when He spoke to the blind men: Because of your faith, it will happen.
No matter who you are, whether you’ve been walking with Jesus days or decades, God hears your prayers. Although the answer may not come as quickly as you want, or exactly how you want, don’t believe for a second that that means that you are of a lesser caliber than the next guy.
Keep bringing your requests before God, with prayer and supplication. He can make it plain to you if your prayers are misdirected, or if you are right on target and He wants you to keep believing. With man, the thing you’re believing for might be impossible, but with God, all things are possible.
The God who created the universe and can do absolutely anything has decided to limit Himself, and to work through our prayers, and our faith. So keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking, and keep believing. Because of your faith, it will happen.
Caroline Collie is a thinker and a dreamer, a Missionary Mom, and a lover of bacon and avocado. She and her husband, and their Scottish-African-American son, live just outside Cape Town, SA and are the Directors of a Charity called Samaritan’s Feet South Africa. You can read more from Caroline at her blog, From Africa, With Love.