Wednesday is FriendsDay
Tell us about your childhood friends and you could win!

To enter on Twitter
Follow @PureLife2010 and do any of the following:
- Tweet about a special friend from your childhood using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet out an inspirational friendship quote using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool tagline and the hashtag #PL2010
Become a fan of PureLife2010 and do any of the following:
- Post about a special childhood friend on our wall.
- Post an inspirational friendship quote on our wall.
- Add a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool caption describing the photo.
Become a follower or subscriber and do any of the following:
- Leave a comment about a great childhood friend
- Leave a comment with an inspirational friendship quote
- Email a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool caption

With the Cleanwater Infant Tub, dirty water flows out while fresh, clean water flows in. There's a built in digital themometer as well as a securely locking rinse cup. We think it's just genius!
Congrats to our last two winners, Sandy (Lisa Whelchel's book) and Heather (the Goody prize pack)!