The Buddy System
By Latosca Goodwin

Find a partner to help you reach your goals. It's easier to stay on task if you have someone pushing you.
You need to find someone that will tell it to you straight and there will be no hard feelings in the morning. That's how we find ourselves way off base. We think, "how in the world did this creep up on me--my chins, my stomach, my thighs, my butt." It all starts with enablers we've set around us. A real friend should shake us up every now and again and say, "Naw, girl, those pants are getting too tight. I'll see you on the track."
When I was in school, I could always hear my mother's voice in my head, "I know what you're capable of, I accept nothing less."
These words are true in all aspects. And if you can find a person that is truly sold on what you're trying to accomplish, they will be your best push toward that goal.
Make sure she or he is also someone that will tell you like it is. We don't need cosigners when we are on a quest to lose a few--helping you to make excuses to fall off course.
You need to find someone that will tell it to you straight and there will be no hard feelings in the morning. That's how we find ourselves way off base. We think, "how in the world did this creep up on me--my chins, my stomach, my thighs, my butt." It all starts with enablers we've set around us. A real friend should shake us up every now and again and say, "Naw, girl, those pants are getting too tight. I'll see you on the track."
These are the partners that will push you sometimes until it hurts. They'll be your hardest coach and your best cheerleader when it's all said and done.
So, go find yourself a good friend or two. If you can't physically meet, get an online buddy. We all talk everyday through Facebook. Send updates to check in on one another's progress. Set your goals together. They may be different goals, but the results are the same--to look and feel better. I'm not proposing outlandish dreams like looking like your favorite supermodel. Let's start with what you have and work with that.
Buddy up and remember to have fun with it.
La Tosca Goodwin is a Christian wife and mother of 4. She loves the Lord and loves to coach, workout and write. You'll mostly find her spending time with family--she's a total groupie for all her children's sports and activities. She spends more time on the road following them around than at home. You can find La Tosca on Facebook and on her blogs, Get Moving Mom and Mrs. Goody Has Something To Say.