Wednesday is FriendsDay
Tell us your favorite "friends" song and you could win!
We're talking about friendship and giving away great prizes every week until the conference!!
Choose from the entry methods below for your chance to win this week’s prize: "Friendship for Grownups" by Lisa Whelchel
To enter on Twitter
Become a follower or subscriber and do any of the following:

Choose from the entry methods below for your chance to win this week’s prize: "Friendship for Grownups" by Lisa Whelchel
To enter on Twitter
Follow @PureLife2010 and do any of the following:
- Tweet about your favorite friend-themed song using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet out an inspirational friendship quote using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool tagline and the hashtag #PL2010
Become a fan of PureLife2010 and do any of the following:
- Post about your favorite friend-themed song on our wall.
- Post an inspirational friendship quote on our wall.
- Add a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool caption describing the photo.
Become a follower or subscriber and do any of the following:
- Leave a comment with your favorite friend-themed song
- Leave a comment with an inspirational friendship quote
- Email a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool caption