Wednesday is FriendsDay
Tell us about your friends and you could win!
Choose from the entry methods below for your chance to win this week’s prize: A $10 Discount on the purchase of a regularly priced PureLife registration!
To enter on Twitter
Congrats to Sarah G., last week's Piggy Paint prize winner!

- Tweet about a special friend using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet out an inspirational friendship quote using the hashtag #PL2010
- Tweet a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool tagline and the hashtag #PL2010
Become a fan of PureLife2010 and do any of the following:
- Post about a special friend on our wall.
- Post an inspirational friendship quote on our wall.
- Add a great photo of yourself and a friend with a cool tagline.
Congrats to Sarah G., last week's Piggy Paint prize winner!